Impact Reports

Get Ahead in the Impact Revolution

Circular Impact Report 2023

Saahas Zero waste
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Ather Energy Impact Report 2020

Ather Energy publishes India’s
Ist Impact Report with
Aspire’s Gold Leaf Rating;
becomes the 2nd automotive
company after Tesla to do so.
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Comprehensive Impact Assessment

Aspire’s proprietary 4P Impact Assessment helps corporations evaluate the impact of their businesses and chart their impact journeys. Measuring and valuing the impacts that companies have on society and the environment, while not itself a sufficient condition, is necessary. In the absence of Impact Assessment, decisions will continue to be made on existing financial metrics that do not reflect view of how an organization creates value because these decisions ignore impacts on employees, customers, the environment and the society in general. We can complete your company’s impact assessment in 3-4 months and create an internal report for the pursuit of excellence and an external report as evidence of your responsible and ethical operations.

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  • Product Use / Impact
  • Product Access and Availability
  • Product Pricing and Affordability
  • Product Waste and Sustainability
  • Workforce
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Health and Safety
  • Engagement w/ communities
  • Operational Processes
  • Energy
  • Emissions
  • Water and Resources
  • Ethics and Integrity
  • Transparency and Reporting
  • Compliances

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“We at Ather, a pioneer and market leader in e-Mobility with best-in-class electric 2-wheelers, are delighted to appoint Aspire Impact as our Impact Assessors, given their robust methodology, to truly get an independent assessment of our impact footprint and communicate our story of impact leadership to all stakeholders”

Tarun Mehta
Co-founder & CEO, Ather Energy

“NSDL e-Gov is a pioneer in building the public infrastructure of our country through citizen centric & population scale e-governance solutions. Social Capitalism is at the core of our business model and we are delighted to partner with Aspire to undertake a Comprehensive Impact Assessment and embed an objective & measurable Impact-weighted framework in all our business decisions.”

Suresh Sethi
Managing Director & CEO, NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd

“As social impact is becoming mainstream, it is critical to have independent and credible assessment and certification. Aspire is doing a commendable job in standardising Impact Assessments across industries through a comprehensive methodology. Aspire is a pioneer in this space and we look forward to this becoming the de-facto standard for Impact Assessment.”

Pankaj Khandelwal
Chairman & Managing Director, INI Farms


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